CGTrack / Assets / Oculus / SampleFramework / Usage / HandsTrainExample / Scripts / WindmillBladesController.cs

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See SampleFramework license.txt for license terms.  Unless required by applicable law 
or agreed to in writing, the sample code is provided “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR 
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using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Assertions;

namespace OculusSampleFramework
	public class WindmillBladesController : MonoBehaviour
		private const float MAX_TIME = 1f;

		[SerializeField] private AudioSource _audioSource = null;
		[SerializeField] private AudioClip _windMillRotationSound = null;
		[SerializeField] private AudioClip _windMillStartSound = null;
		[SerializeField] private AudioClip _windMillStopSound = null;

		public bool IsMoving { get; private set; }

		private float _currentSpeed = 0f;
		private Coroutine _lerpSpeedCoroutine;
		private Coroutine _audioChangeCr;
		private Quaternion _originalRotation;
		private float _rotAngle = 0.0f;

		private void Start()

			_originalRotation = transform.localRotation;

		private void Update()
			_rotAngle += _currentSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
			if (_rotAngle > 360.0f)
				_rotAngle = 0.0f;

			transform.localRotation = _originalRotation * Quaternion.AngleAxis(_rotAngle, Vector3.forward);

		public void SetMoveState(bool newMoveState, float goalSpeed)
			IsMoving = newMoveState;
			if (_lerpSpeedCoroutine != null)
			_lerpSpeedCoroutine = StartCoroutine(LerpToSpeed(goalSpeed));

		private IEnumerator LerpToSpeed(float goalSpeed)
			var totalTime = 0f;
			var startSpeed = _currentSpeed;

			if (_audioChangeCr != null)

			// start up
			if (IsMoving)
				_audioChangeCr = StartCoroutine(PlaySoundDelayed(_windMillStartSound,
				  _windMillRotationSound, _windMillStartSound.length * 0.95f));
			} // stop

			var diffSpeeds = Mathf.Abs(_currentSpeed - goalSpeed);
			while (diffSpeeds > Mathf.Epsilon)
				_currentSpeed = Mathf.Lerp(startSpeed, goalSpeed, totalTime / MAX_TIME);
				totalTime += Time.deltaTime;
				yield return null;
				diffSpeeds = Mathf.Abs(_currentSpeed - goalSpeed);

			_lerpSpeedCoroutine = null;

		private IEnumerator PlaySoundDelayed(AudioClip initial, AudioClip clip, float timeDelayAfterInitial)
			PlaySound(initial, false);
			yield return new WaitForSeconds(timeDelayAfterInitial);
			PlaySound(clip, true);

		private void PlaySound(AudioClip clip, bool loop = false)
			_audioSource.loop = loop;
			_audioSource.timeSamples = 0;
			_audioSource.clip = clip;