CGTrack / Assets / Oculus / SampleFramework / Core / Locomotion / Scripts / TeleportTargetHandlerNode.cs

See SampleFramework license.txt for license terms.  Unless required by applicable law 
or agreed to in writing, the sample code is provided “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR 
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using UnityEngine;

/// <summary>
/// This target handler will only return locations that the aim system detects that contain a TeleportPoint component.
/// </summary>
public class TeleportTargetHandlerNode : TeleportTargetHandler
	/// <summary>
	/// When checking line of sight to the destination, add this value to the vertical offset for targeting collision checks.
	/// </summary>
	[Tooltip("When checking line of sight to the destination, add this value to the vertical offset for targeting collision checks.")]
	public float LOSOffset = 1.0f;

	/// <summary>
	/// Teleport logic will only work with TeleportPoint components that exist in the layers specified by this mask.
	/// </summary>
	[Tooltip("Teleport logic will only work with TeleportPoint components that exist in the layers specified by this mask.")]
	public LayerMask TeleportLayerMask;

	/// <summary>
	/// This method will be called while the LocmotionTeleport component is in the aiming state, once for each
	/// line segment that the targeting beam requires. 
	/// The function should return true whenever an actual target location has been selected.
	/// </summary>
	protected override bool ConsiderTeleport(Vector3 start, ref Vector3 end)
		// If the ray hits the world, consider it valid and update the aimRay to the end point.
		if (!LocomotionTeleport.AimCollisionTest(start, end, AimCollisionLayerMask | TeleportLayerMask, out AimData.TargetHitInfo))
			return false;
		TeleportPoint tp = AimData.TargetHitInfo.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<TeleportPoint>();
		if (tp == null)
			return false;

		// The targeting test discovered a valid teleport node. Now test to make sure there is line of sight to the 
		// actual destination. Since the teleport destination is expected to be right on the ground, use the LOSOffset 
		// to bump the collision check up off the ground a bit.
		var dest = tp.destTransform.position;
		var offsetEnd = new Vector3(dest.x, dest.y + LOSOffset, dest.z);
		if (LocomotionTeleport.AimCollisionTest(start, offsetEnd, AimCollisionLayerMask & ~TeleportLayerMask, out AimData.TargetHitInfo))
			return false;

		end = dest;
		return true;