CGTrack / Assets / Oculus / SampleFramework / Core / HandsInteraction / Scripts / Tools / FingerTipPokeTool.cs

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See SampleFramework license.txt for license terms.  Unless required by applicable law 
or agreed to in writing, the sample code is provided “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR 
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using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Assertions;

namespace OculusSampleFramework
	/// <summary>
	/// Poke tool used for near-field (touching) interactions. Assumes that it will be placed on
	/// finger tips.
	/// </summary>
	public class FingerTipPokeTool : InteractableTool
		private const int NUM_VELOCITY_FRAMES = 10;

		[SerializeField] private FingerTipPokeToolView _fingerTipPokeToolView = null;
		[SerializeField] private OVRPlugin.HandFinger _fingerToFollow = OVRPlugin.HandFinger.Index;

		public override InteractableToolTags ToolTags
				return InteractableToolTags.Poke;
		public override ToolInputState ToolInputState
				return ToolInputState.Inactive;
		public override bool IsFarFieldTool
				return false;

		public override bool EnableState
				return _fingerTipPokeToolView.gameObject.activeSelf;

		private Vector3[] _velocityFrames;
		private int _currVelocityFrame = 0;
		private bool _sampledMaxFramesAlready;
		private Vector3 _position;

		private BoneCapsuleTriggerLogic[] _boneCapsuleTriggerLogic;

		private float _lastScale = 1.0f;
		private bool _isInitialized = false;
		private OVRBoneCapsule _capsuleToTrack;

		public override void Initialize()

			_fingerTipPokeToolView.InteractableTool = this;

			_velocityFrames = new Vector3[NUM_VELOCITY_FRAMES];
			Array.Clear(_velocityFrames, 0, NUM_VELOCITY_FRAMES);


		private IEnumerator AttachTriggerLogic()
			while (!HandsManager.Instance || !HandsManager.Instance.IsInitialized())
				yield return null;

			OVRSkeleton handSkeleton = IsRightHandedTool ? HandsManager.Instance.RightHandSkeleton : HandsManager.Instance.LeftHandSkeleton;

			OVRSkeleton.BoneId boneToTestCollisions = OVRSkeleton.BoneId.Hand_Pinky3;
			switch (_fingerToFollow)
				case OVRPlugin.HandFinger.Thumb:
					boneToTestCollisions = OVRSkeleton.BoneId.Hand_Thumb3;
				case OVRPlugin.HandFinger.Index:
					boneToTestCollisions = OVRSkeleton.BoneId.Hand_Index3;
				case OVRPlugin.HandFinger.Middle:
					boneToTestCollisions = OVRSkeleton.BoneId.Hand_Middle3;
				case OVRPlugin.HandFinger.Ring:
					boneToTestCollisions = OVRSkeleton.BoneId.Hand_Ring3;
					boneToTestCollisions = OVRSkeleton.BoneId.Hand_Pinky3;

			List<BoneCapsuleTriggerLogic> boneCapsuleTriggerLogic = new List<BoneCapsuleTriggerLogic>();
			List<OVRBoneCapsule> boneCapsules = HandsManager.GetCapsulesPerBone(handSkeleton, boneToTestCollisions);
			foreach (var ovrCapsuleInfo in boneCapsules)
				var boneCapsuleTrigger = ovrCapsuleInfo.CapsuleRigidbody.gameObject.AddComponent<BoneCapsuleTriggerLogic>();
				ovrCapsuleInfo.CapsuleCollider.isTrigger = true;
				boneCapsuleTrigger.ToolTags = ToolTags;

			_boneCapsuleTriggerLogic = boneCapsuleTriggerLogic.ToArray();
			// finger tip should have only one capsule
			if (boneCapsules.Count > 0)
				_capsuleToTrack = boneCapsules[0];

			_isInitialized = true;

		private void Update()
			if (!HandsManager.Instance || !HandsManager.Instance.IsInitialized() || !_isInitialized || _capsuleToTrack == null)

			OVRHand hand = IsRightHandedTool ? HandsManager.Instance.RightHand : HandsManager.Instance.LeftHand;
			float currentScale = hand.HandScale;
			// push tool into the tip based on how wide it is. so negate the direction
			Transform capsuleTransform = _capsuleToTrack.CapsuleCollider.transform;
			// NOTE: use time settings 0.0111111/0.02 to make collisions work correctly!
			Vector3 capsuleDirection = capsuleTransform.right;
			Vector3 capsuleTipPosition = capsuleTransform.position + _capsuleToTrack.CapsuleCollider.height * 0.5f
			  * capsuleDirection;
			Vector3 toolSphereRadiusOffsetFromTip = currentScale * _fingerTipPokeToolView.SphereRadius *
			// push tool back so that it's centered on transform/bone
			Vector3 toolPosition = capsuleTipPosition + toolSphereRadiusOffsetFromTip;
			transform.position = toolPosition;
			transform.rotation = capsuleTransform.rotation;
			InteractionPosition = capsuleTipPosition;



		private void UpdateAverageVelocity()
			var prevPosition = _position;
			var currPosition = transform.position;
			var currentVelocity = (currPosition - prevPosition) / Time.deltaTime;
			_position = currPosition;
			_velocityFrames[_currVelocityFrame] = currentVelocity;
			// if sampled more than allowed, loop back toward the beginning
			_currVelocityFrame = (_currVelocityFrame + 1) % NUM_VELOCITY_FRAMES;

			Velocity =;
			// edge case; when we first start up, we will have only sampled less than the
			// max frames. so only compute the average over that subset. After that, the
			// frame samples will act like an array that loops back toward to the beginning
			if (!_sampledMaxFramesAlready && _currVelocityFrame == NUM_VELOCITY_FRAMES - 1)
				_sampledMaxFramesAlready = true;

			int numFramesToSamples = _sampledMaxFramesAlready ? NUM_VELOCITY_FRAMES : _currVelocityFrame + 1;
			for (int frameIndex = 0; frameIndex < numFramesToSamples; frameIndex++)
				Velocity += _velocityFrames[frameIndex];

			Velocity /= numFramesToSamples;

		private void CheckAndUpdateScale()
			float currentScale = IsRightHandedTool ? HandsManager.Instance.RightHand.HandScale
				: HandsManager.Instance.LeftHand.HandScale;
			if (Mathf.Abs(currentScale - _lastScale) > Mathf.Epsilon)
				transform.localScale = new Vector3(currentScale, currentScale, currentScale);
				_lastScale = currentScale;

		public override List<InteractableCollisionInfo> GetNextIntersectingObjects()

			foreach (var boneCapsuleTriggerLogic in _boneCapsuleTriggerLogic)
				var collidersTouching = boneCapsuleTriggerLogic.CollidersTouchingUs;
				foreach (ColliderZone colliderTouching in collidersTouching)
					_currentIntersectingObjects.Add(new InteractableCollisionInfo(colliderTouching,
						colliderTouching.CollisionDepth, this));

			return _currentIntersectingObjects;

		public override void FocusOnInteractable(Interactable focusedInteractable,
		  ColliderZone colliderZone)
			// no need for focus

		public override void DeFocus()
			// no need for focus