CGTrack / Assets / Oculus / Avatar / Samples / SocialStarter / Assets / Scripts / P2PManager.cs
using UnityEngine;
using System;
using Oculus.Platform;
using Oculus.Platform.Models;

// Helper class to manage a Peer-to-Peer connection to the other user.
// The connection is used to send and received the Transforms for the
// Avatars.  The Transforms are sent via unreliable UDP at a fixed
// frequency.
public class P2PManager
    // packet header is a message type byte
    private enum MessageType : byte
        Update = 1,

    public P2PManager()

    #region Connection Management

    public void ConnectTo(ulong userID)
        // ID comparison is used to decide who calls Connect and who calls Accept
        if (SocialPlatformManager.MyID < userID)
            SocialPlatformManager.LogOutput("P2P connect to " + userID);

    public void Disconnect(ulong userID)
        if (userID != 0)

            RemotePlayer remote = SocialPlatformManager.GetRemoteUser(userID);
            if (remote != null)
                remote.p2pConnectionState = PeerConnectionState.Unknown;

    void PeerConnectRequestCallback(Message<NetworkingPeer> msg)
        SocialPlatformManager.LogOutput("P2P request from " + msg.Data.ID);

        RemotePlayer remote = SocialPlatformManager.GetRemoteUser(msg.Data.ID);
        if (remote != null)
            SocialPlatformManager.LogOutput("P2P request accepted from " + msg.Data.ID);

    void ConnectionStateChangedCallback(Message<NetworkingPeer> msg)
        SocialPlatformManager.LogOutput("P2P state to " + msg.Data.ID + " changed to  " + msg.Data.State);

        RemotePlayer remote = SocialPlatformManager.GetRemoteUser(msg.Data.ID);
        if (remote != null)
            remote.p2pConnectionState = msg.Data.State;

            if (msg.Data.State == PeerConnectionState.Timeout &&
                // ID comparison is used to decide who calls Connect and who calls Accept
                SocialPlatformManager.MyID < msg.Data.ID)
                // keep trying until hangup!
                SocialPlatformManager.LogOutput("P2P re-connect to " + msg.Data.ID);


    #region Message Sending
    public void SendAvatarUpdate(ulong userID, Transform rootTransform, UInt32 sequence, byte[] avatarPacket)
        const int UPDATE_DATA_LENGTH = 41;
        byte[] sendBuffer = new byte[avatarPacket.Length + UPDATE_DATA_LENGTH];

        int offset = 0;
        PackByte((byte)MessageType.Update, sendBuffer, ref offset);

        PackULong(SocialPlatformManager.MyID, sendBuffer, ref offset);

        PackFloat(rootTransform.position.x, sendBuffer, ref offset);
        // Lock to floor height
        PackFloat(0f, sendBuffer, ref offset);
        PackFloat(rootTransform.position.z, sendBuffer, ref offset);
        PackFloat(rootTransform.rotation.x, sendBuffer, ref offset);
        PackFloat(rootTransform.rotation.y, sendBuffer, ref offset);
        PackFloat(rootTransform.rotation.z, sendBuffer, ref offset);
        PackFloat(rootTransform.rotation.w, sendBuffer, ref offset);

        PackUInt32(sequence, sendBuffer, ref offset);

        Debug.Assert(offset == UPDATE_DATA_LENGTH);

        Buffer.BlockCopy(avatarPacket, 0, sendBuffer, offset, avatarPacket.Length);
        Net.SendPacket(userID, sendBuffer, SendPolicy.Unreliable);

    #region Message Receiving

    public void GetRemotePackets()
        Packet packet;

        while ((packet = Net.ReadPacket()) != null)
            byte[] receiveBuffer = new byte[packet.Size];

            int offset = 0;
            MessageType messageType = (MessageType)ReadByte(receiveBuffer, ref offset);

            ulong remoteUserID = ReadULong(receiveBuffer, ref offset);
            RemotePlayer remote = SocialPlatformManager.GetRemoteUser(remoteUserID);
            if (remote == null)
                SocialPlatformManager.LogOutput("Unknown remote player: " + remoteUserID);

            if (messageType == MessageType.Update)
                processAvatarPacket(remote, ref receiveBuffer, ref offset);
                SocialPlatformManager.LogOutput("Invalid packet type: " + packet.Size);

    public void processAvatarPacket(RemotePlayer remote, ref byte[] packet, ref int offset)
        if (remote == null)

        remote.receivedRootPositionPrior = remote.receivedRootPosition;
        remote.receivedRootPosition.x = ReadFloat(packet, ref offset);
        remote.receivedRootPosition.y = ReadFloat(packet, ref offset);
        remote.receivedRootPosition.z = ReadFloat(packet, ref offset);

        remote.receivedRootRotationPrior = remote.receivedRootRotation;
        remote.receivedRootRotation.x = ReadFloat(packet, ref offset);
        remote.receivedRootRotation.y = ReadFloat(packet, ref offset);
        remote.receivedRootRotation.z = ReadFloat(packet, ref offset);
        remote.receivedRootRotation.w = ReadFloat(packet, ref offset);
        remote.RemoteAvatar.transform.position = remote.receivedRootPosition;
        remote.RemoteAvatar.transform.rotation = remote.receivedRootRotation;

        // forward the remaining data to the avatar system
        int sequence = (int)ReadUInt32(packet, ref offset);

        byte[] remainingAvatarBuffer = new byte[packet.Length - offset];
        Buffer.BlockCopy(packet, offset, remainingAvatarBuffer, 0, remainingAvatarBuffer.Length);

        IntPtr avatarPacket = Oculus.Avatar.CAPI.ovrAvatarPacket_Read((UInt32)remainingAvatarBuffer.Length, remainingAvatarBuffer);

        var ovravatarPacket = new OvrAvatarPacket { ovrNativePacket = avatarPacket };
        remote.RemoteAvatar.GetComponent<OvrAvatarRemoteDriver>().QueuePacket(sequence, ovravatarPacket);

    #region Serialization

    void PackByte(byte b, byte[] buf, ref int offset)
        buf[offset] = b;
        offset += sizeof(byte);
    byte ReadByte(byte[] buf, ref int offset)
        byte val = buf[offset];
        offset += sizeof(byte);
        return val;

    void PackFloat(float f, byte[] buf, ref int offset)
        Buffer.BlockCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes(f), 0, buf, offset, sizeof(float));
        offset += sizeof(float);
    float ReadFloat(byte[] buf, ref int offset)
        float val = BitConverter.ToSingle(buf, offset);
        offset += sizeof(float);
        return val;

    void PackULong(ulong u, byte[] buf, ref int offset)
        Buffer.BlockCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes(u), 0, buf, offset, sizeof(ulong));
        offset += sizeof(ulong);
    ulong ReadULong(byte[] buf, ref int offset)
        ulong val = BitConverter.ToUInt64(buf, offset);
        offset += sizeof(ulong);
        return val;

    void PackUInt32(UInt32 u, byte[] buf, ref int offset)
        Buffer.BlockCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes(u), 0, buf, offset, sizeof(UInt32));
        offset += sizeof(UInt32);
    UInt32 ReadUInt32(byte[] buf, ref int offset)
        UInt32 val = BitConverter.ToUInt32(buf, offset);
        offset += sizeof(UInt32);
        return val;
